President- Rihanna Cooler
Vice President- Kirsten Smith
Secretary- Valeria Romero
Treasurer- Abby Reynolds
To enhance the delivery of compassionate, quality healthcare by providing opportunities for knowledge, skill and leadership development for all healthcare education students, therefore, helping students to meet the needs of the healthcare community.
The Hands of HOSA Mold the Health of Tomorrow
What is?
• A student-led organization of future health professionals
• One of 10 national career and technical student organizations endorsed by the U.S. Department of Education
• An integral component of Health Science Education
• Develops future leaders for the healthcare delivery system
• HOSA is 100% healthcare
Circle--continuity of healthcare
Triangle--social, physical, and mental well-being
Hands--the caring of each HOSA member
Colors--maroon, medical white, and navy blue
- To promote physical, mental, and social well-being;
- To develop effective leadership qualities and skills;
- To develop the ability to communicate more effectively with people;
- To develop character;
- To develop responsible citizenship traits;
- To understand the importance of pleasing oneself as well as being of service to others;
Advisor: Mrs. Angela Schmitt, Room