Approval of Absences in Excess of Ten Days and Approval of Credit
(A) Approval or Disapproval of Absences
The district board of trustees, or its designee, shall approve or disapprove any student's absence in excess of ten days, whether lawful, unlawful, or a combination thereof, for students in grades K-12.
For the purpose of awarding credit for the year, school districts must approve or disapprove absences in excess of ten days regardless as to whether those absences are lawful, unlawful, or a combination of the two.
(B) High School Credit
In order to receive one Carnegie unit of credit, a student must be in attendance at least 120 hours, per unity, regardless of the number of days missed. Student whose absences are approved should be allowed to make up any work missed in order to satisfy the 120-hour requirement. Local school board should develop policies governing student absences giving appropriate consideration to unique situations that may arise within their districts when students do not meet the miniumum attendance requirements.
Therefore, districts should allow students, whose excessive absences are approved in part 1 of this section, to make-up work missed to satisfy the 120-hours requirement.
Examples of make-up work may include:
(1) after-school and/or weekend make-up programs that address both time and academic requirements of the course(s), or
(2) extended-year programs that address both time and academic requirements of the course(s). R 43-274- (p 6 of 6)
All make-up time and work must be completed within thirty days from the last day of the course(S).
The district board of trustees or its designee may extend the time for student's completion of the requirements due to extenuating circumstances as prescribed by State Board of Education Guidelines.
Attendance Contacts
For attendance concerns, please call April Lang at 322-5582.
Medical excuses may be faxed to 843-322-5608, attention Ms. Lang.